Environment and sustainability

Manningham has one of the largest networks of open space in metropolitan Melbourne covering approximately 17 per cent of the municipality and including more than 300 parks. 

This includes recreation parks, sporting reserves, natural areas and neighbourhood parks.

Our unique natural environment provides a sanctuary to 56 threatened animal species and is home to 22 per cent of Victoria’s known plants, including 11 species of state significance and four species of national significance.

A large section of the eastern half of Manningham is designated as a ‘Green Wedge’ area for the protection of our natural and rural environment.

Responding to climate change

As an environmentally forward thinking Council, we believe the decisions we make today have the potential to change the future for generations to come.

protecting the environment

Protecting our environment

Protecting our environment and biodiversity is a shared responsibility. Together with the support of our partners and community, we are actively working to preserve and enhance our city’s natural resources to ensure they will survive and thrive for generations to come.


Land management grants

Each year we offer a series of land management grants. These grants are designed to help property owners with tree planting, weed removal and pest animal control. Find out if you're eligible to apply.

Green wedge

The Green Wedge

A large section of the eastern half of Manningham is designated as a ‘Green Wedge’ area for the protection of our natural and rural environment. Learn about the area and what we're doing to protect it.

Tree management

We plant new trees within Manningham as part of our tree planting program. We also maintain trees in residential areas, parks, and reserves. Find out about our Tree Management Plan and how to request an additional street tree for planting.

Environment and sustainability news