Help shape the future direction of housing and commercial growth and development in Manningham

1 May 2024
Liveable Places and Spaces

This consultation has now closed.

Are you interested in helping shape the future direction of housing and commercial growth and development in Manningham?

Join one of our upcoming focus group sessions to discuss some of our key strategic projects, including the Manningham Residential Strategy and Activity Centre Design Guidelines.

We'll also be inviting feedback on the Victorian Government's plan for Victoria – the first statewide strategy to guide Victoria's growth until 2050.

  • Session one: Wednesday 8 May 2024, 6.30pm to 8.00pm
  • Session two: Thursday 9 May 2024, 10.30am to 12.00pm (noon)

Manningham Civic Centre, Function Room 3,  699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster, VIC 3108

Click here to learn more about the focus group sessions and register. 

We hope you can join us to discuss these key strategic projects.